
Genetic Variant Testing

Although a genetic variation (GV) sounds permanent and scary, it is possible to dampen the effect of GV’s utilizing cutting-edge genetic research and knowledge of biochemistry, to provide the most comprehensive, personalized, and effective way to optimize health naturally.

Everyone has GV's. Some are more damaging than others. Most GV's result in distress to the body that pertains to everyday function. It is the accumulation of not functioning properly that leads to dis-ease and sickness. 

The effect that each genetic variation has on your health can be lessened when the body is given the proper nutrients to support biochemical pathways that are challenged by the variations.

Dr Hollee’ specifically addresses issues surrounding GV’s utilizing one or more of the following test types:

Blood Tests       DNA Testing      Kinesiology Testing

With the application of this information we begin to help your body work more efficiently. Based on your specific results, nutritional supplements are used to help support DNA repair, neurotransmitter production, hormone production, improve energy levels, detoxification, methylation and more. 

Patients on the program are reporting a decrease in pain, an increase in energy, mood, sleep, focus, brain function and an overall improvement in their health.

There is a way to naturally help OPTIMIZE YOUR DNA and IMPROVE how your body functions.

"The recent advances in genetic research have finally reached a point where we can begin to look at specific genes and what their functions are. With the recent completion of The Human Genome Project, research is mounting as studies are being conducted and associations being made as to the relevance of genetic variants to disease causation. One such area of research has lead to a major breakthrough in our understanding of the origins of cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and so much more. This connection between our Genetic Variants or SNiP’s (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) and disease has revealed the importance of a metabolic pathway in the body that is critical to maintaining health, the methylation cycle. The methylation cycle, it turns out, is involved in many regulatory processes and genetic defects there can be particularly damaging."  Dr. J. Dunn

We now have ways to bypass the genetic defects that effect our physiology with specific targeted nutrients to improve function in the body. When the body functions properly, it is more likely to  feel healthier, and also less likely to get sick. The GV test addresses the methylation cycle and how it relates to other cycles. The SNiP’s considered in the testing protocol address the immune system, nervous system, endocrine system, detoxification pathways, neurotransmitters, energy production and more.  

Dr Hollee’ is a Certified Wholistic Methylation Practitioner and a supporting doctor for My Happy Genes© DNA testing.

To schedule with Dr Hollee’ for GV and Wholistic Methylation testing call 760-751-2208. 

Achieve better health with diet and supplements based on your unique genetic test results! 

DNA support in the palm of your hand.